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Funny Ways to Continue a Conversation on Tinder

You probably already know Tinder messages like this just aren't cutting it:

example of a boring Tinder message

For most guys, the biggest challenge on Tinder isn't getting matches - it's getting the most attractive women to respond to your icebreaker.

Being funny can give you an edge because women are genetically programmed to find a sense of humor irresistible in a man.

Of course, for that particular science nugget to work, you have to actually be funny.

Tinder Message #1:

Funny message about describing twerking

The hotter she is, the more choosy she can be when it comes to responding to Tinder messages.

Tinder Message #2:

Tinder icebreaker asking about her signature dance move.

Surveys have shown that for the majority of women, a sense of humor is the #1 desired trait in a man. This is why funny always trumps boring in a Tinder conversation.

But humor can be tough to pull off because it's so subjective.

What one woman thinks is hilarious might fall flat with the next. If you aim for laughs but land in eye-roll territory, don't hold your breath waiting for a response.

Don't worry - today you're going to discover 9 funny tinder messages that work extremely well, like the two featured above.

And as an added bonus for reading to the end, you'll even get 3 tips that will get you 3x more !

Watch Your Response Rate Soar With Funny GIFs

Some things are inherently funny and difficult to resist, like fluffy puppies and other animals doing silly things.

Plus, a bear waving hello works no matter what a person's profile says, so you can use it repeatedly.

According to Tinder , not only does including a GIF in your message boost your response rate by 30%, the resulting message exchange is likely to last twice as long.

Tinder Message #3:

Funny line to send on Tinder

But on , simply sending a GIF for your first message isn't enough.

Don't put the burden on your Tinder match to actually start the conversation, because that's work.

Instead, make it as easy as possible to respond by asking her an interesting question in a humorous way.

Taking control of the conversation is a confident, sexy move she'll appreciate.

Tinder Message #4:

Tinder line that's funny

Tinder Messages That Unleash Your Creative Side

You don't have to rely on GIFs to create funny opening lines for Tinder.

Tinder Message #5:

Funny message that's perfect to send on Tinder.

You can be funny with just words too.

Tinder Message #6:

Funny line about Skittles and Zima to send on Tinder

Just make sure to follow these three rules for sending Tinder messages:

  1. Keep it PG-13, even on Tinder. Vulgarity from a total stranger is an instant turnoff.
  2. Ask her a question. The more effort it takes a woman to reply, the more interested she needs to be to actually do it. If you want to maximize your response rate, make responding to your effortless. And if responding is entertaining, even better...
  3. Make her feel something. Amused, entertained, intrigued - when your opening message evokes an emotional reaction, chances are she'll be way more likely to respond.

When writing back to that charming guy with a good sense of humor seems effortless and enjoyable, a response is practically guaranteed.

Tinder Message #7:

Funny Tinder question about future children

Go With What Works

When you find funny Tinder messages that work for you, be green and recycle them.

Tinder Message #8:

message about seeming like a chill person

There's no need to reinvent the wheel each time you have an attractive match and want to .

You can even send seemingly custom messages to women who reference certain topics like having a dog in their bio or photos.

Tinder Message #9:

Message to send someone on Tinder who has a dog.

The average guy is already spending 1½ hours a day on Tinder, so why spend even more time coming up with new material?

To truly be efficient with your online dating time, it's important to figure out which messages work best for you.

That means you need to track each time you send a specific icebreaker message, and each time it gets a response.

Sound like a pain in the butt? Kinda, but the results are well worth it.

And our response rate calculator makes it pretty easy to do. With enough data, you'll definitively know which Tinder openers you should send to more women.

With Tinder Messages, Timing Is Everything

There's another easy way to optimize your results on Tinder.

Send her the message during the times she's most likely to respond. Here at VIDA , we've found early evening works best, just as she's getting home from work.

The data crunchers over at Nielson agree - their data shows Tinder's peak activity is in the evening, between 5pm and midnight:

Nielson data showing the best time to send a message on Tinder

Good timing is more than just what hour of the day you send your icebreaker. You also need to nail the timing when it comes to her response.

If you pounce on her message and reply within mere seconds of getting it, that looks desperate.

Like you're literally staring at the Tinder app, waiting for the messages to roll in.

But you're a busy guy with an active social life (or at least you want her to think you are), so respond like one.

That being said, you also want to look like a guy who's actively engaged with the app and making himself available for matches he's interested in.

So while waiting an hour or two is often a good idea, taking more than 24 hours can be suicidal.

Tinder conversations tend to have a short shelf life. It's on you to keep the momentum going and steer the conversation towards getting her phone number or arranging to meet her in person .

What To Do If She Doesn't Respond

Rule #1, don't take it personally.

There's a lot of factors at play here, and not all of them have to do with you.

But if you're using these Tinder messages and not getting a response at least 80% of the time, then you need to take a hard look at your overall Tinder profile, specifically your photos and your bio.

Anytime a girl doesn't respond to your first message, write her again.

You can send her a light-hearted, funny follow up message like this a day or so later:

example of how to restart a Tinder conversation

If it's still crickets after the second message, let it go.

While sending a third message will get you some responses here and there, the line between being persistent and being a stalker is very fine.

You probably don't want to come off looking like this guy, right?

bad tinder conversation example

The Easiest Way To Meet Women On Tinder

There's no denying that being funny gets you noticed, whether it's sending a humorous Tinder message or catching her eye with a witty profile.

But for most Tinder users, adding that extra pop of humor = a lot more work.

And if you're like the average guy, you're already spending way too much time on Tinder and wondering when all that is going to turn into some actual .

Why struggle when VIDA's professional writers already have a stockpile of comedic gold?

Even better - we can write a funny bio that's 100% you, send out our top performing icebreakers, and keep the humor going in the back and forth Tinder message exchanges.

And it doesn't stop with Tinder - VIDA can help manage any dating sites and apps you want to use!

The most attractive local women will be excited to meet you - and all you have to do is show up for the dates.

Click here to get started!
