(Picture: Getty, Reddit)

Remember the legendary (yet problematic) bride who had a weight-based dress code for her wedding day? (She wanted to form a heart and have the heaviest and lightest people in different colours).

We all had a great laugh when she revealed she was going to hold a polygraph party to determine who snitched on her demanding dress code online.

And lo and behold, she actually had the lie detector test and, finally, knows who snaked her.

It was none other than *drumroll* her mate Stephanie, who has since been 'removed' and 'eliminated' (Steph, are you alive??)

(Picture: Reddit/u/popkween)

In a Facebook post, she wrote the polygraph party saw a 100% attendance and that it was fantastic despite the lie detector machine from Amazon being a 'bit shitty'.

'Friends, it is with the deepest joy that I can announce the identification of the snitch,' she wrote. 'My former friend Stephanie was immediately removed from my property. She confessed to leaking my posts and ridiculing me online.

'My original dress code has gone viral because of her and the outside world will never understand thanks to Stephanie. Good riddance. Now the Hawaii 2019 wedding can go ahead.

The bride-to-be thanked her other friends Lynn, Jackie, Kristie, and Jax who helped to 'eliminate the snitch, Stephanie'.

(Picture: Getty)

After getting all the results out of the way, she went back down to business, adding further terms and conditions to her stringent dress code.

She reminded her loved ones and that time is of the essence so they ought to buy soda and helicopter hats for an upcoming wedding-related event.

'Ladies, let me be clear,' she added, 'your secondary outfit must at least total at least £1k. We are £24k themed after all.'

'Please submit photos of your synchronised dancing outfits no later than one month. I will be telling each and every one of you what is wrong and how to improve it.'


In case you forgot, this was her weight-based dress code:

WOMEN 100-160lbs

  • GREEN Velvet Sweater
  • ORANGE Suede Pants
  • Louboutin Heels (the famous RED heeled shoes. when we spin and lift our feet, the effect will amaze you)
  • Burberry Scarf

MEN 100-200lbs

  • PURPLE Fuzzy Jacket
  • Soda Hat
  • All White Trainers
  • Plain Glow Sticks

WOMEN 160lbs+

  • all BLACK sweater and pants. Any material
  • BLACK Heels

MEN 200lbs +

  • BLACK sneakers


  • RED from head to toe. Remember the kids will form the shape of a heart it needs to be true red not blood orange or some bullsh*t.

We have so, so many questions and naturally so did the good people of Reddit.

One detective-minded person asked: 'If 100% of the people attended, why did she have to post an update?'

Another questioned whether it was actually the husband-to-be who'd leaked the information and Stephanie took the flak.

Most people were convinced though that the whole thing was a work of fiction, but fiction that they're entertained by nonetheless.

'I totally think this story is fiction now, but it is fiction that I never want to end,' said one Redditor.

'I want leaked photos of the polygraph party, I want photos of the soda hats, I want paparazzi photos of the dancing on the beach in Hawaii 2019, I want it all! Bring it on, Bridezilla and her sneaky b*tchy pals! (Stephanie, I love you, girl!)'

Others simply questioned what soda and helicopter hats are.

All we can say is we can't wait for the film.

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